Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cut and Paste

Cut and Paste, originally uploaded by artyuppie.

I am making a flickr directory with my older illustrations for those who haven't see them before. I will upload them in the following days in the older illustrations folder. Check them if you like. This is a sample of an older illustration.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dolls are not only for kids

This is part of an image I made for a friend.
I liked it a lot and thought I could share it with you.
I might comeback with more dolls in the future.

Monday, April 12, 2010

run little girl!

I am working on an image of a girl in danger.
It will end-up in a scene.
I just want to keep track of some of the steps.

Sad girl with secret powers

A digital illustration drawn and painted in photoshop.