Sunday, January 31, 2010

My happy side of sketching

You know how much i like pens and markers most of the time when I don't try to draw something serious i like to make happy little people. This is a random sketch I did recently.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Beautiful Ugly

Researching and illustrating new trends.
Image in progress.

The consequences of a liar

It was produced almost unconsciously and helped me develop a series of other illustrations of persons in danger or need. I now try to focus more in situations rather than persons which is difficult cause my view of things is very fragmentary. My graphic design background haunts me still.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sorry Frida

It's an older illustration, a mixture of everyday activity and commentary, something which I love to do. I am emotionally attached with this image. It is made with traditional drawing.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I like the sound of them so I draw them. I make them silent that way.

Sad girl with secret powers

A digital illustration drawn and painted in photoshop.